Ranking bioware games
Ranking bioware games

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  2. #Ranking bioware games Pc

It just doesn’t fit with the rest of the game and feels out of place.

ranking bioware games

I think this would have been a lot better if they included a cutscene of an opening ceremony for the Normandy museum, or something. You spent fifteen minutes walking around some planet picking up old dog tags and putting a giant statue next to a piece of wreckage of your choice.

ranking bioware games

The Crash Site was meant to tug at your heartstrings, and strike you with a load of nostalgia, but it wasn’t executed correctly. If you never played this portion of Mass Effect 2, don’t feel bad. Now, I can kind of see why Bioware did the Normandy Crash Site, but I just can’t get on with it. Can we really consider this a piece of five-star-DLC? No, not really. However, it is the first appearance of the Batarians, which we find out later in the series, are quite the interesting and controversial race. Unfortunately, the DLC itself felt like nothing more than just another mission on just another planet.

#Ranking bioware games Pc

Granted, Bring Down the Sky was Bioware’s first real piece of downloadable content for the Mass Effect trilogy, and luckily if you bought it on PC or bought the platinum edition on the 360, you received this pack for free. So, you get a bunch of combat simulators, and if you get the high score in all of them, you get a cool apartment. There are some minor spoilers ahead, so please read at your own risk.  Cool. So join me in revisiting these wallet murderers in the Definitive Ranking of the Mass Effect DLCs.

ranking bioware games

Others were worth spitting at your screen and shaking yourself senseless. Some of the downloadable content was worth more than $14.99. But was all of it worth it? Well, not really.

#Ranking bioware games full

If you picked up any of the three titles, and wanted the full experience, you purchased anything with a price-tag on it, hoping it would lengthen your playthrough. On 360 and PC), to silly “storyline” enhancers, Mass Effect was never a one-and-done type deal. From alternative costumes (yeah, I bought all of those. If you’re anywhere near as infatuated with Mass Effect as I am, you have repeatedly wept glancing into your empty wallet after purchasing several of the downloadable content packages.

Ranking bioware games